Frequently Asked Questions

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Yes! You can access all the features in trial plan.
You can access the Accu Subscription app's all features and create subscription products group and plan for your customers.
Click Here to see the Accu Subscription app pricing.
No, We are not providing refunds. You can uninstall our app to stop the recurring charge.
Absolutely! You can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time.
Yes! You will get future new updates automatically in your store.
There is no limitation to create subscripiton plan.
Yes! You will require to purchase a PRO plan.
Yes! we are providing support
You can send your questions to our support email :
Yes! We are providing a custom solutions paid base nominal fees after check the possibilities of your requirements.
Yes! You can cancel your account at any time.


You can create a subscription group from Shopify Admin Product page and also from Accu Subscription App's Plans page.

You can create subscription plans from Shopify Admin Product page and also from Accu Subscription App's Plans page.

Yes, you can do it from Subscription Group's edit page.

The customer can do it from customer portal by visiting particular subscription's detail page.

You can cancel a subscription from the App's subscription details page.

Yes, the customer is charged automatically as per the interval specified in subscription plan.

Customers can view their subscriptions from the link provided in customer portal.

Customers can view their subscriptions from the link provided in customer portal.

Yes, it is possible to pause a subscription from the customer portal.

No, the products can not be changed once the subscription is created.

Once you remove/uninstall the app, the Accu Subscription snippets will be removed from your theme by itself.

You can edit a subscription plan's policy from the subscription group/plan edit page.

The app supports Shopify Payments, which includes most of Credit Card payments.

Yes, you can specify the discount details while creating a subscription plan.